King Nagarjuna and Tamil Star Karthi’s Oopiri and its Tamil version, Thozha are sensational hits. The content driven film were lapped very much by the audience and also set cash registers ringing. The other day, the movie also crossed 1.5 Million Dollars Gross at USA Box Office making Nagarjuna only Senior hero with two 1.5 Million dollars films.
On the other side, Sun Network bagged the satellite rights of the movie. They reportedly paid a whopping 14 Crore for the satellite rights of both Telugu and Tamil versions. Directed by Vamsi Paidipalli, Oopiri is the remake of the French hit The Intouchables and has music by Gopi Sundar.
There is a buzz that Karan Johar is planning to make the film in Bollywood and wants to give the direction chance of the remake to Vamshi himself. On the other side, the success meet of Oopiri will happen tomorrow at Shilpa Kala Vedhika, Hyderabad. The 100 days function of Soggade Chinni Nayana will also happen there itself.
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