Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh had taken a deep plunge on Monday indicating that a huge disaster is definitely on cards. Analysts are expecting losses to the tune of 50 Crore for the movie which had seen about 100 Crore Pre-Release business. Trade will talk away with threatening losses from this project.
Some of the distributors have already started negotiations with Film Chamber to urge the makers to share the losses. They allege that they have bought the film seeing Pawan Kalyan and it is his responsibility to save them in crisis. Pawan Kalyan is also the co-producer of the film and that increases his responsibility.
They are hopeful that Pawan Kalyan will come forward for settlement as the actor is coming to politics and will not risk his good image in this controversy. Sardaar Gabbar Singh promotional material has a big flop written all over, the Trade had come forward with such huge rate only trusting Pawan Kalyan and are now in soup.
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