‘Theri’ Mints Rs. 21 crore In Two Days


Chennai: Superstar Vijay’s Tamil actioner “Theri” has performed handsomely at the box-office by raking in Rs. 21 crore in just two days since its release on Thursday in Tamil Nadu, a trade analyst said.”In just two days in Tamil Nadu, ‘Theri’ has approximately minted Rs. 21 crore. It was expected to collect more, but since it hadn’t released in a few screens in Chengalpet area in Tamil Nadu, the opening numbers were affected,” trade analyst Trinath told IANS.

Directed by Atlee, the film features Vijay as a police officer and a doting father.Trinath expects the film to do much better over the weekend “Going by the positive word-of-mouth, the film is expected to do very good business during the weekend. It could easily collect over Rs. 40 crore,” he said.

Meanwhile, “Theri” is having a dream run in North America, and according to its distributor CineGalaxy Inc it has collected $390,000 from two days, which is the highest for a non-Rajinikanth starrer.

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