Darsakaratna Dasari Narayana Rao is celebrating his Birthday today. The ace film maker gave an interview to all media houses on this occasion. Dasari revealed that he is working on the script of his dream project, Mahabharatha. He revealed that it will be made in five parts and script for the first two parts is ready.
Once completing Mahabharatha Series, Dasari said he will be making a love story that will star all debutantes which will be his last film as a director. The ace director did not come up with any reason for this decision. We may have to wait a bit longer to know the exact reason for this love on love story.
Interestingly, Tollywood’s Most Successful director Rajamouli also announced that his dream project will be making Mahabharatha and he will make it some day. Probably Dasari will be making it ahead of Rajamouli. We will have to see if there will be clash between that generation legend and this generation legend.
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