At the age of 55, Nandamuri Balakrishna is shooting 11 hours a day and standing as an example for his peers. Balayya is actively participating in the shoot of historic epic Gautamiputra Satakarni and working rigorously as director Krish planned intense war episodes a la Hollywood films.
Already, Hollywood fighters have been roped in for the action scenes being shot in Morocco. Krish is crafting each scene meticulously and not leaving no stone turned up. Hence it’s taking a lot of time. It’s buzzed that the single war episode is costing as high as Rs 8 Crore. Krish has allotted a 3-week-long schedule for the total episode.
With Balayya working all the day, co-stars, the unit crew are getting inspired from the Legend actor and toiling in tandem. The unit people are watching Balayya in awe as how the star managing to work so hard at this age. One can’t stop raving about Balayya’s commitment, dedication.
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