A new schedule of Young Tiger NTR’s Janatha Garage began today in Hyderabad. The makers are currently shooting some comedy scenes on Ali, NTR, Vennela Kishore. The team is all excited about the First Look Poster release which is planned on 19th at 6PM on the occasion of NTR’s Birthday on 20th. The First Look Teaser is planned on 28th as Legend NTR Jayanthi Special.
Non-stop schedules are planned for the film so that the entire shooting will be completed by mid July. The makers are considering Janatha Garage (with a tagline – Ikkada Anni Repairlu Cheyyabadunu) as the title of the film even though they did not announce it officially.
They are planning to release the movie on August 12th, 2016. The release date works in the movie’s favour as there is a long weekend holiday due to Independence day holiday on Monday. Mytri Film Makers who turned producers with Srimanthudu will be producing this film as well.
Yerineni Naveen, Yalamanchili Ravi Shankar (Thammudu) and CVM (Mohan) are the producers. Music Devil, Devi Sri Prasad will be composing music as Koratala’s previous films – Mirchi and Srimanthudu.
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