Young Actor Nikhil faced a big defeat with his last film, Shankarabharanam and is silently working on his next project to make a strong comeback. The film is being directed by Tiger fame VI Anand. The movie shooting is progressing at brisk pace. We are said that the makers are considering ‘Ekkadaki Pothavu Chinnavaada’ as the film title which is the start lyric of the chart-buster song from ANR’s Aathma Balam movie
Avika Gor, Hebah Patel and Nanditha Swetha are the heroines romancing Nikhil in the movie. A new production house, Meghana Arts is venturing in to Tollywood with this film. According to sources, the movie is said to be a romantic fantasy entertainer drama and the makers are planning to release the film in July.
The makers will very soon announce the film title and will began the promotions of the film. Happening distribution house, Abhishek Pictures bagged the Worldwide rights of the film. After this project, Nikhil is planning to in Karthikeya 2, a sequel to the 2014 hit film Karthikeya in which he co-starred with Swathi and introduced Chandoo Mondeti as director.
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