Chennai: Superstar Rajinikanth, who awaits the release of upcoming Tamil gangster drama “Kabali”, has jetted off on a brief holiday to US with his family.”Having recently completed a schedule of Shankar’s magnum opus ‘2.o’, Rajinikanth decided to take a much needed break to rejuvenate and resume shooting from June. He’s expected to stay in the US for nearly two weeks and return in the second week to join the sets again,” a source close to the 65-year old star told IANS.
In “Kabali”, which is slated for release on July 1, Rajinikanth will be seen playing an ageing gangster. The film’s story is tipped to be based on the real-life story of a Chennai-based don.
In Shankar’s “2.o”, a sequel to blockbuster “Enthiran”, Rajinikanth will return as the popular scientist, Vaseegaran, and he will lock horns with Akshay Kumar in the film.
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