Entrepreneur-turned-film producer Prasad V Potluri, fondly known as PVP aka PV in film circles, said to have lost a whopping Rs 100 Crore in film production. Made his foray in 2011 with Tamil film Rajapattai (Veedinthe), PVP has seen several setbacks. Anushka and Arya-starrer Varna, Size Zero were two major duds PVP Cinema had produced.
While Balupu was an average grosser and a moderate success, even critically acclaimed movie like Oopiri failed to translate into commercial success and resulted in loss in tune of nearly Rs 20 Crore. Oopiri was a cost-failure. And again his latest release Brahmotsavam was opened to divide talk and estimated that buyers would lose big monies as the movie was sold for staggering prices.
Though PVP made money by selling it off to buyers, it’s heard that PVP has to compensate the distributors from the losses. The only saving grace for PVP was Kshanam which he had co-produced. Many thought Mahesh’s Brahmotsavam would bail him out but it looks it’s proving to be other way around.Many in industry circles may say that Rs 100 Crore isn’t big figure for a billionaire like him. But the point is that instances like these are obstructing several other business barons entering into film production.
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