Telangana Chief Minister K.Chandrasekara Rao has said that he was a man of his words and he would never go back on his promise of 12 Percent reservations to Muslims. While addressing a large gathering of Muslim at Nizam College ground, KCR said that a committee had been appointed to give its recommendations.
He said, “The committee will soon submit its report to the Government shortly. As soon as we receive it, an Assembly session will be convened and we will pass a resolution to approve 12% reservation for Muslims. Then this issue will be pursued with the higher-ups in New Delhi.”KCR stated that Telangana would be an example for other states as far as reservations were concerned. He also said 1200 Crores was allotted to Muslims in State budget.
He also added the Government would start 120 Minority residential schools from this academic year.Union labour minister Bandaru Dattatreya, Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi, Deputy Chief Minister Mahmood Ali and home minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy were present. Iftar was celebrated in various places of Hyderabad yesterday.
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