Powerstar Pawan Kalyan starrer much-awaited movie ‘Atharintiki Daredi’ future is in doldrums with the ongoing agitations in Andhra Pradesh. The producers are not doing dare to release the movie. Even they are not in a position to announce release date of the film.
Here the story is, the distributors of Pawan Kalyan-Trivikram film ‘Atharintiki Daredi’ had requested producers to release the movie after APSRTC strike will end. When movie makers had decided to release the movie very soon despite the unfavorable situations prevailing in a state, the distributors agreed it but on one condition. They said that the movie will be released after RTC buses will return on roads. But, no one can says that when will the strike be called off. Finally RTC has turned as a fate decider of ‘Attarintiki Daredi’
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