Pawan Kalyan is going to start the shooting of not one but two films. Pawan will join the unit of ‘Kadapa King’ from August 15. Heroine Shruti Haasan will also join the crew alongside Pawan. The shooting of the film has already started, and film’s director Dolly is currently canning scenes involving other actors.
The latest report is that Pawan, who will do his next film in the direction of Trivirkam Srinivas, has recently called him and asked to start the shooting. He has decided to take part in the shooting of both these films simultaneously. Trivikram is currently giving finishing touches to the script. With the assurance from Pawan, he might also take the movie on to sets in a month or so.
Pawan will sport gray hair for ‘Kadapa King’. It is not yet sure if he would retain the same look for Trivikram’s film as well.
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