Megastar Chiranjeevi’s elder daughter Sushmita has performed special prayers seeking the success of the actor’s 150th film.On Sunday, Susmita went to Kanipakam to organize special prayers in Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy temple. She sought the blessings of God Vinayaka in making the comeback film of Chiru a historical one. All India Chiru fans association president Swami Naidu and several others participated in the event.
Swamy revealed, ‘we have decided to conduct special prayers for nine days ahead of megastar’s birthday on August 22. We have started from Kanaipakam and will do prayers in the two Telugu states, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On 22nd, the last day, special prayers will be performed in Film Nagar Temple. Plantation of 1 lakh saplings and blood donation camps will also be held across the states in a grand manner.’
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