Media was totally ignored at the 61st celebrations of Mega Star Chiranjeevi which said to have invited the wrath. After covering a day-long activities, events of Mega family and Mega fans celebrating Chiru’s b’day at Shilpa Kala Vedika, media was invited to cover the Chiru’s grand birthday bash thrown to Tollywood stars, fraternity at a star hotel. However, the invite clearly had it that media was allowed only upto the red carpet. The media was said to be upset with the treatment.
However, it isn’t the first time Chiru did it. Even for the grand gala 60th birthday celebrations last year, the whole media was kept away from the event and shutterbugs were made wait outside till the end while a Mumbai-based PR agency had organised the whole event upon the directions from Upasna Konidela.
This isn’t all. Chiru, who was very much in the town yesterday, couldn’t make it to the fans function at Shilpa Kala Vedika whereas attended his birthday bash which is held by an hour gap. Also, earlier in the day, media was asked to cover the special poojas offered by mega heroes including Ram Charan at Film Nagar Daiva Sannidhanam. After going early and waiting there at the temple throughout the pooja rituals, when media had asked Ram Charan a byte, Charan apparently refused to give the byte and instead asked media to come to his house for the byte.
At a time, Chiru is making a comeback and trying to revive his lost glory, many opine that this isn’t the way to treat media. Looks like, mega clan has to be more careful from the next time on wards.
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