Looks like the ever reclusive film star turned politician Pawan Kalyan is slowly opening up on Twitter of late. Apart from a series of tweets targeting several state and central leaders including prime minister Narendra Modi, Pawan, for the first time on Twitter, tweeted his appreciation for a film.
The film that caught Pawan’s fancy now is the Bollywood’s latest blockbuster, Dangal. Pawan took to Twitter just a while ago and poured his heart out in appreciation of the movie that not only touched him but the entire country.
Pawan hailed Dangal’s main star Aamir Khan for his sublime performance and went on to state that India should be proud of having a wonderful actor and a captivating storyteller like Aamir Khan.
Pawan also had a few good things to say about the four young actresses who played the female wrestlers Geeta and Babita Phogat and also appreciated the film’s director Nitesh Tiwari for executing the film in an engrossing and a manner.
Finally, Pawan said that Dangal is a reminder to all of us to recognize and work towards the much needed ‘Women Empowerment’ which lacks in our country. Incidentally, Aamir Khan, during his Dangal promotional interview in Hyderabad, expressed his wish to act alongside Pawan Kalyan.
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