As Gautamiputra Satakarni turned out to be biggest hit in Nandamuri Balakrishna’s career beating his previous record of Legend, the actor is planning to throw a lavish cocktail party to the film’s unit. As the movie had crossed Rs 50 Crore share in 8 days and ruling the BO, buoyed Balayya has decided to give a grand party to the whole unit of GPSK.
After thanking the fans in US who made him achieve remarkable 1.5 Million USD mark for the first time in his career, Balayya, who just returned to Hyderabad, is reportedly giving treat at a star hotel on Friday. Apparently, Balayya insisted that each and everyone who has worked for the film must attend the party.
Besides the commercial success & critical acclaim, Balayya is delighted to do such a film as his landmark 100th film. Acclaimed director Krish has told the historic epic in a captivating way and Burra’s dialogues have made big difference.
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