Fans are deeply upset over the delay in the release of the teaser of Pawan’s Katamarayudu. The teaser, which was originally planned for Jan 26 release, has been deferred due to the special conditions in Andhra Pradesh where youth were prepping up for a Jallikattu-type silent protests at RK Beach in Vizag.
Taking note of the situation, producer has announced that the teaser has been postponed without announcing the fresh date. The situation is no different even after the issue is over as AP government, cops foiled the protest.
Even four days after the issue, there’s no clarity on when the teaser would be out. Fans on social networking sites are expressing their angst & curiosity and asking producer Sharrath Marar to release the teaser.
“The teaser for #KatamaRayudu will be released soon. Will announce the date shortly. Thanks for the support,” tweeted the production house.
This tweet has further disappointed the fans who’re waiting for the teaser as they expected at least a date confirmation if not the teaser.
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