Actor Allu Arjun has reportedly warned some female models at a Sangeet party. And that was neither at a pub nor at a party, but on the sets of his upcoming film ‘Duvvada Jagannadham’ (DJ), directed by Harish Shankar. Recently, the movie unit roped in few dancing models to shoot a Sangeet scene who reportedly irked Bunny.
The actor, known for cool and compose nature, lost temper at those models after getting irritated by their behavior on sets. Given the absolutely large and beautiful sets, erected to shoot Sangeet event for DJ, it would not have stopped the excitement of models who went into a frenzy with continuous photos, group stills and selfies.
Annoyed with their hullabaloo in between the shoot, Stylish star seems to have ordered the movie unit to make sure no single photo or selfie goes out of sets. Recognizing the fact that it could make more damage, he asked them not to allow mobile phones while the shoot is underway.
Considering the expectations and hype around DJ, Bunny is pumping in all the hard work which he does not want to get revealed, or leaked. Clearly, it shows his care and concern toward the film which is being bankrolled by Dil Raju under SVC banner.
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