Popular Tamil director Hari, who’s well known for his racy screenplay and powerful action films, was in Hyderabad on the other day. He, along with hero Suriya Sivakumar, celebrated the roaring success of Singam-3 (Telugu version) in Telugu speaking states. The actor-director duo spoke with media and expressed their gratitude to Tollywood audiences. Speaking at the occasion, director Hari made an attempt to remove a big headache for himself.
The filmmaker in November ran into a controversy when he asked ‘who is Jr NTR!?’. His question sent shockwaves among Telugu cinephiles and he was severely bashed by Junior fans. Having faced the ire of Tarak fans, Hari later issued an apology and brought down the curtains during that time. Now, yet again, he makes fresh comments about the Nandamuri actor and this time, it has ended the disturbances totally. How?
During the success meet of third installment of Singam, when media folks asked Hari to respond on NTR, he took no time to reply- ‘I have watched Jr NTR’s Temper, liked It very much and I would soon like to do a powerful Telugu movie with him.’ Although it’s a welcome statement by Hari, the chances look bleak for this partnership considering the ongoing and previously committed projects of Young Tiger – Bobby’s untitled film and Trivikram’s project.
By issuing the statement, Hari clearly proves that he’s complying with the growing popularity for his films in Telugu as well and his curiosity to work with Tarak. Such a collaboration could possibly breach several records, doesn’t it?
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