In a great turn of events, Mahesh Babu’s prestigious 25th film has finally landed into PVP’s hands. It’s buzzed that PVP is going to bankroll Mahesh Babu’s much awaited 25th film that will have direction by “Oopiri” fame Vamshi Paidipally.
Originally, PVP was the top contender for Mahesh 25 and at one stage it’s almost announced that PVP would produce the film with the combination of Mahesh Babu and Vamshi Paidipally. But in a shocker, PVP was replaced by Aswini Dutt and Dil Raju for the film.
Naturally, this hadn’t gone well with PVP who had lodged complaint against director Vamshi Paidipally alleging him of ‘breaching’ contract. Now, the issue appears to have been resolved as both Vamshi and PVP were spotted rubbing shoulders during the premiere of Ghazi.
The latest we hear is that it’s back to square one. Fresh developments indicate that PVP is going to produce Mahesh 25 while Vamshi wields the megaphone. An official announcement is expected shortly. Since there’s good pre-release talk of Ghazi – thanks to its premieres, this latest development of PVP bagging Mahesh 25 seems that PVP is gearing up for a double celebration.
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