Bringing down curtain on huge political drama unfolding in Tamil Nadu, Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao has invited Palaniswamy to form the government. With this, Sasikala’s CM pick and AIADMK legislature party leader Palaniswamy is all set to be the next chief minister of Tamil Nadu.
Governor Vidyasagar has given 15 days time to Palaniswamy to prove the majority in the house.
The press release issued by Raj Bhavan of Tamil Nadu reads, “Thiru CH. Vidyasagar Rao, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu has today (16.02.2017) appointed Thiru Edappadi K. Palaniswamy, Party Headquarters Secretary of the AIADMK as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and invited him to form the Ministry at the earliest.”
“This is in acceptance of the letter submitted by Thiru Edappadi K. Palaniswamy on 14.02.2017 that was elected as the Leader of the AIADMK Legislature party in a meeting of the Party MLAs held on that day.”
“Hon’ble Governor has also requested the Chief Minister-Designate, Thiru Edappadi K. Palaniswamy to seek the vote of confidence of the Assembly within fifteen days.”
This is seen as a set back to rebel O. Panneerselvam who had been trying to restore the lost throne after his resignation was accepted by the Governor earlier.
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