Popular Tamil playback singer Suchitra Karthik has pushed everyone into confusion with her incoherent tweets about Dhanush and spiritual leader Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev. She even accused Dhanush’s team of manhandling her.
All of this started when Suchithra had tweeted about an alleged sex scandal near Coimbatore. “Somebody would also like me to warn my followers about a huge sex scandal that is about to erupt in an ashram near Coimbatore. Please stay safe,” she tweeted.
She later tweeted about Dhanush’s staff or friends attacking her. “This is Suchi, I’m back. I’m safe and I’m ready to tell everyone what a lousy game #Dhanush played. That’s my arm, from rough handling by #Dhanush’s team,” she wrote besides attaching a photo of bruises on her arm.
She however didn’t reveal the reasons behind the attack. It is also not clear how Dhanush and Sadguru were related. It is being doubted that her twitter account might have been hacked by miscreants.
The noted singer hasn’t made any official statement except these vague tweets. Neither Dhanush nor Sadguru responded to these allegations.
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