In a horrifying incident at Kansas, two Telugu people Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani were shot by a white man after they got into an altercation at Austin’s Bar & Grill in Olathe. Srinivas was in critical condition and later declared dead.
Cops were on manhunt and reportedly arrested a suspect Adam Wade Purinton, 51-year-old Olathe resident, also a navy veteran with inactive pilot license, air traffic controller certificate. He was arrested early Thursday, about five hours after the shooting. Adam may have been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and may have been diagnosed with a serious illness.
The shooter reportedly got into an argument with the victims in the terms of racism, yelling ‘get out of my country’, ‘terrorist’ and similar racial cussing before shooting them.
To avoid unwanted scuffle, the bar management asked him to leave the place , only to find him back at bar with gun and shoot these two guys. One Mr Ian Grillot, was shot in the hand and shoulder while trying to stop the shooting.
The shooter immediately fled the scene, right after the shooting. The shooter reportedly provoked them into argument asking their presence and work in his country, and how they are better than him.
Srinivas and Alok were working as aviation systems engineers at Garmin in Olathe. Alok is currently recovering and Two GoFundMe pages have been set up to help the victims. One page redirects to help Srinivas Kuchubhotla’s family with the funeral expenses and other ongoing grief support costs.
This tragic incident triggered tremors among many immigrants and this ideology of few Americans is not any different than that of terrorists, about which the America is worried about.
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