The ongoing Assembly session of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly is witnessing a war-like situation between TDP-led government and Opposition YSR Congress crossing the swords. With Jagan leveling serious allegations against Agriculture Minister Prathipati Pullarao over land purchases, leader of the house AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has strongly reacted and stated that the state government is ready to start a probe against its own minister.
Chandrababu strongly retaliated and said an inquiry would be ordered against state minister. He also further stated that if the minister is found guilty, he said Prathipati would be boycotted from the house and also challenged Jagan that if Prathipati comes clean, whether Jagan was ready to face the boycott from the house.
Naidu also expressed his angst against the Opposition party for ‘spreading’ ‘false’ news on AP Speaker Kodela Sivaprasada Rao. He said the statements of the Speaker on women were ‘deviated’ and ‘misquoted’ and an attempt was done to ‘malign’ Speaker’s fame.
With both ruling MLAs and Opposition MLAs indulging in a can of worm, Speaker has adjourned the house. The war of words between Naidu and Jagan turned interesting.
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