We all saw Samanatha Ruth Prabhu attend the IIFA Utsavam Awards with her going to be in-laws Nagarjuna, recently. Sam looked stunning in a glittery, Handloom sari. And she also was awarded the best actress for ‘AAa’.
The lovely Akkineni ‘Kodalu’, who’s a very warm and affectionate lass in Tollywood, was full of laughs in this candid picture where it appears like Shriya sat on her and Sam holding over with hands in the most endearing way. Sitting right to them and laughing is plump beauty Raashi Khanna, who made a guest appearance in Manam, while Sam & Shriya took the lead roles.
Looks like the three gorgeous ladies of classical hit Manam – Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Shriya Saran and Raashi Khanna have got along well at IIFA Utsavam in Hyderabad.
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