When it comes to helping his school and college friends, Telangana Minister KT Rama Rao is going way out to do the needful. Other day as his friend Pattabhi turned director with the movie “Kaadhali”, KTR not only attended the audio launch as a guest but made sure his good friend Ram Charan will attend as a Chief Guest.
Speaking at the venue, KTR thanked Suresh Babu for helping his friend Pattabhi to realise his dream of becoming a filmmaker. Highlighting the pride of Telugu cinema, he said, “Both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are excelling with Telugu industry. Even the Americans in the USA are claiming that they have seen Baahubali 2. That film took our pride to a new level. I’m very happy”. He even showered appreciation on a content-driven film like Pelli Choopulu and expected even Kaadhali would be the same.
At the same time, KTR spoke about the GST issue too. “Having a common tax, that is one-country one-tax is an appreciable thing, but imposing 28% slab tax on film industry sounds uncommon. I agree with Suresh Babu (Daggubati) garu, Sir, I’ll make sure that our Telugu industry delegation will meet Minister Arun Jaitley to make the Central Government rethink on this taxation”.
Proving that he’s a darling for Telugu Film Industry, the IT Minister also gave an example of Kamal Haasan’s reaction about quitting films if GST stuff is not changed, and vowed to fight with Centre along with representatives from other south film industries.
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