Actress Nayanthara has been dubbed as a demanding actress in film circles. It’s buzzed that she is very particular about her remuneration and never ever compromises on it. Even there have been many negative reports on how she doesn’t promote her own films. But there’s an other side to her totally.
Apparently, Nayan has cut down her fee by nearly half crore for Aradugula Bullet and even allotted dates and shot for the balance portion, songs of the film in time. Only after her cooperation and her support, the film said to have been completed. Usually, when actresses or actors do these favours, they and their PR teams would go all out and boast as if they are very generous. But Nayan is very different and she maintains a low-profile.
Even hero Gopichand too is very professional and said to had not bothered about his pay and worked for the film.
However, the film which was supposed to release this week, didn’t see the light of the day for various financial reasons. And it’s not sure when it would come out of the cans. Apparently, the talks are going on. Let’s hope all the efforts of Nayan, Gopi would pay off.
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