IT Minister Nara Lokesh, the heir-apparent of TDP chief and AP CM Chandrababu Naidu, has received an advise from none other than Vice President-elect Venkaiah Naidu. Lokesh visited New Delhi on Thursday and met Venkaiah Naidu to congratulate him for being elected as the Vice President.
Apparently, Venkaiah has asked Lokesh about the political developments in Andhra Pradesh and especially in Nandyal where crucial by-election is going to take place.
During this off-the-cuff interaction, Venkaiah said to have given a ‘tip’ to Lokesh. Reportedly, Venkaiah asked Lokesh to visit villages often and interact with villages as much time as possible. Since Lokesh is also Panchayat Minister, Venkaiah told Lokesh to ‘solve’ the problems of villagers instantly on the spot if they could be. Naidu suggested Lokesh to meet ground-level leaders regularly and take feedback on government’s functioning from time to time.
As Lokesh is projected as the face of the TDP after Naidu and future CM, Venkaiah said to have put special interest to advise Lokesh. It can be noted that Venkaiah Naidu is very good friend of CM Chandrababu Naidu.
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