As everyone is waiting with bated breath for the trailer of Jr NTR’s latest movie “Jai Lava Kusa”, the makers confirmed that on audio launch the trailer will be released as usual. But when is the audio launch actually happening to unveil the music composed by Devi Sri Prasad for his KS Ravindra directorial?
In fact, September 1st is the fixed date for Jai Lava Kusa and then now the date got moved to September 3rd, but not even 2nd which happens to be dad Nandamuri Hari Krishna’s birthday. There are a couple of interesting reasons behind this pushing of Jr NTR’s event to a new date.
Firstly on September 1st, Paisa Vasool movie is hitting cinemas. Already NTR has enough friction with Balayya for reasons unknown and now planning an event on the same day of Balayya’s latest release will not go well. For that reason, September 1st is ruled out.
Coming to September 2nd, it happens to be a Saturday and usually these days NTR should wear the role of television anchor on that to host his super successful stint, Big Boss. This program will be aired with NTR on Saturdays and Sundays, but the entire shoot will happen on Saturday itself. So now, despite Sept 2nd being Hari Krishna’s birthday, NTR decided to honor the Big Boss commitment and celebrate the audio launch of Jai Lava Kusa next day, on September 3rd.
Produced by his brother Kalyan Ram, currently, NTR is dancing to the tunes of DSP at a special erected set in Pune where his co-star Rashi Khanna is flaunting her hotness and dancing skills.
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