Thala Ajith enjoys huge fan base across Tamil Nadu and circles. The actor has been slowly expanding his market to Tollywood and some of his recent movies raked decent figures.
The actor has been never spotted promoting his movies and his latest film Vivegam has been carrying huge buzz all over. The actor like every film preferred to stay calm and no audio release event or a pre-release event took place. Still Vivegam mania has been storming the South Indian states.
The pre-bookings have been exceptional and the film is gearing up for a massive release in Tamil Nadu. 300 shows are being planned in Chennai alone which never happened even for Kabali and Baahubali. A multiplex named ‘Mayajal’ is said to be screening 65 shows on first day, which is a record.
Along with this, the film is also getting a wide release across Telugu speaking states. In Malayalam, Vivegam will release in over 30 screens and Karnataka too is said to get a huge occupancy for Vivegam which has been slated for Thursday release.
This Thursday is finally a big day for Vivegam and the movie is expected to take the box-office by storm. Siva directed the movie and Kajal played the female lead.
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