A project in the combination of crazy director Puri Jagannath and Balakrishna Nandamuri was not expected by many. However, buzz on the project started intensifying once the film’s promos started getting unveiled one by one. Balayya’s ‘Theda Singh’ character in ‘Paisa Vasool’ trailer looked to be his most badass role to date, and it has assured the film good openings.
Although Puri hasn’t delivered a creditable film in more than two years, Paisa Vasool is riding on decent expectations, thanks to the crazily entertaining character written for Balayya. The trailer piqued audience’ curiosity over how Puri might have presented Balayya as a badass gangster.
The film’s advance booking hints at a strong opening. When the advance booking is so encouraging in cities, we can expect euphoric reception for Paisal Vasool in Balayay’s strong area i.e. B,C centres.
As per reports, Paisa Vasool has done decent business, and now it is expected to take a more than decent opening. The film’s end result will definitely depend on the content but Puri’s punch dialogues and Balayya’s crazy performance can ensure a safe sailing at box office if the film contains at least average content.
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