The leading British architect company Norman Fosters and Partners, on Wednesday, submitted the final blueprint of State Assembly and High Court designs of Amaravati, new capital of Andhra Pradesh, to Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. The draft submitted to govt. include designs of Secretariat, department blocks, High Court and internal offices.
Babu, who looked into blue print, is happy about the lavish Secretariat design in diamond shape and High Court reflecting a Buddha statue. A special meeting is arranged in this regard to discuss and get response of other ministers and speaker K Sivaprasad. Furthermore, the Chief Minister asked Norman Fosters designing team to come up with few more sketches for High Court and iterated that he wouldn’t compromise on infrastructure of new capital.
The State assembly will be built in 35acres of land and it’s going to be a four-stored building of 40meters height. While 300+ members can be accommodated in the legislative assembly, 125 members can be chaired in legislative council. A museum is sketched on top of the building which will have access to common public as well.
On other hand, the state High Court is planned in 50 acres of land. It is 6-stored block with 48 court rooms and can house 5000 people.
Offices, Chambers, Secretary rooms are designed 300-400 meters away from the assembly building and Norman Posters team gave two designs for the same and that needs to be finalized by state government.
Babu and his team of ministers will come to a conclusion on the designs after the meeting on Thursday morning.
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