While the entire Tamil Nadu and political aficionados across the nation talk about superstar Rajinikanth’s entry in politics by floating his own party, the actor has so far made only vague statements in this regard. On the other hand, fellow superstar of TN, Kamal Haasan, who has been vocally proactive especially ever since the demise of former TN CM Jayalalithaa, has made the big confession of considering forming his own political party.
Kamal has in a recent interview disclosed that he was seriously thinking of floating his own party as no existing political party shares his ideology. He amusingly said that he was being speculated to join some ‘X’ party if he accidentally meets and gets photographed with any leader belonging to that party.
The 62-year-old actor said that the political system in India, more so in Tamil Nadu has failed and that he wants to bring about a change. He advised the voters to sack the elected leaders immediately if they don’t deliver. “We need better governance, and this is the only way to change the politics of India,’ he said.
Kamal said that he couldn’t promise an overnight change if he got elected. He however promises to start the process of change and clean the political mud as much as he can in his lifetime. He added that he was receiving death threats for his political views. ‘I respond them saying, either I go or the
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