Released in 1998, Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Tholi Prema’ was the first film that showed the glimpses of a star in making. It earned Pawan a huge fan following among youth and the film still remains a classic love story in Telugu film history. Now, Mega fans are confused with the speculations of two young mega heroes remaking that trendsetting film.
Fresh from the success of ‘Fidaa’, Varun Tej is currently busy shooting for a romantic entertainer in debutante Venky Atluri’s direction. The makers had earlier reportedly claimed that the film’s story was on the lines of ‘Tholi Prema’. What’s more, they are even contemplating on naming their after ‘Tholi Prema’.
Another Mega family hero Sai Dharam Tej has signed a film to be directed by Karunakaran, the director who made ‘Tholi Prema’ starring Pawan. Karunakaran claimed that he had modeled his new film’s story on the lines of Tholi Prema, and he promised to present Tej in the similar way he had presented Pawan.
As per the claims of makers, both films are believed to have drawn inspiration from Pawan’s ‘Tholi Prema’. Remaking or even touching that iconic film is a huge risk as recreating that magic is second to impossible. Mega fans are confused and worried at the same time as speculations say that both Sai and Varun are trying to recreate that magic.
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