Popular producer Dil Raju has been unstoppable this year as he already tasted four blockbusters in a row with Shatamanam Bhavathi, Nenu Local, Duvvada Jagannadham and Fidaa. His next production Raja the Great is all set for release during Diwali and the makers unveiled the theatrical trailer last night. Anil Ravipudi directed the movie and Ravi Teja played the lead role. He will be seen as a visually challenged person in the film.
During his speech, Dil Raju said “I watched the film couple of days ago and I confident that Raja the Great will break the jinx of films releasing for Diwali. Raja the Great is the fifth blockbuster for our banner this year and Nani’s MCA will be the sixth this year. I count every film like a ball and we are scoring our fifth boundary (a six) with Raja the Great. Congrats to Anil Ravipudi and Ravi Teja for their exceptional work”.
Mehreen essayed the female lead and Sai Kartheek composed the music. Produced by Sri Venkateswara Creations, Raja the Great will hit the screens on October 18th all over.
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