TDP MPs from Andhra Pradesh, who met Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday at his office, left disappointed as the meeting was wrapped up “incompletely” without “proper solution”. With this, TDP MPs decided to continue their protest in Parliament. Rajnath Singh, apparently, shocked with the long list of questions posed by the TDP MPs over the injustice meted out to the new state.
Rajnath advised TDP MPs to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again. Rajnath told the MPs to provide necessary documents to the PM during their meet. In fact, Rajnath told them that he would also try to join their meeting with the PM.
Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu has constituted a committee of MPs to look into the issues of AP. The committee will lead the issue in New Delhi. The committee comprises of Union Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju, Sujana Chowdary, MPs Ram Mohan Naidu (Uttar Andhra), Nimmala Kishtappa (Rayalaseema) and Thota Narasimham (Andhra).
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