The protests by Andhra Pradesh TDP MPs rocked both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on Tuesday and it will continue to remain the same on Wednesday as well. In a tele-conference meeting with party president, MPs of Telugu Desam briefed the series of happenings in parliament and they got his orders to continue protesting in the parliament till they receive a clear promise from BJP high command.
During the day, TDP Parliament members protested in both the houses demanding a positive response from government after failing to offer special financial assistance in the budget-2018. While Naidu-led TDP was hopeful about funds for new projects, capital city Amaravati, Polavaram & also railway zone in Vishakapatnam, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley totally ignored all the demands.
In Rajya Sabha, party MPs CM Ramesh, G Rammohan Rao & Sitaramalaxmi staged a protest with placards. In a response to the protest, FM Arun Jaitley said ‘We’re ready to fulfill all the promises made in Andhra Pradesh reorganization act and we are discussing on how to give out the package as a replacement of special status.’ Also, Railways Minister Piyush Goyal stated that centre has started discussions with other states to bring a consensus for setting up railway zone in Vizag.
Other MPs of TDP & YSR Congress party in Lok Sabha opposed centre’s budget for not providing an aid to the state (AP) that is suffering due to lack of funds. On other hand, TDP and BJP parties got into a war of words after MLC Somu Verraaju alleged that TDP leaders are ‘perpetrators of corruption’.
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