He was one among the big shot directors in the Telugu film industry. But after back-to-back duds, the once star director has now been put on a hold by many. However, he is now on comeback mode and fortunately convinced a popular hero to do a film with him. Since both the director and the hero are in flops, the market for their film would also be less.
Aware of these market dynamics, the film’s producer told the director to finish the film in reasonable budget. In fact, the producer told director that he can’t pay him remuneration but offered to pay him a few lakhs monthly just for his regular expenses. Since the director has no other option he has agreed for all the conditions.
Once upon a time, the same director used to charge in double digits (crores) during his peak days. But now, the whole situation got reversed and his life turned upside down. Getting a salary of a few lakhs monthly during the making of a film is more or less equal to the salary of an associate director under a big director. Certainly, it’s a very sad state for the top director who once almost ruled the T-town with blockbusters.
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