Pawan Kalyan’s fans are hugely upset with Trivikram directorial “Agnyaathavasi” going for a toss at the box office. And 2018 got to this disastrous start with such a big film biting the dust. While all the blame went to Trivikram for coming up with a lame film, here is an interesting talking about Pawan’s 25th film.
A couple of days back, video songs of Agnyaathavaasi are released by the official digital partner of the film on the internet. People are rushing to catch up with songs like Batikochi Chooste and Gaali Valuga on YouTube. However, upon watching the songs couple of times they feel that Pawan Kalyan is also to be blamed for the flop show of the movie.
Some say that Pawan did not give full of his energies into these songs. In flop films like Gudumba Shankar and Balu, Pawan’s electrifying presence in the songs, his expressions while wooing heroines and his trademark moves are spellbinding. But here in these two songs, heroine Keerthi Suresh and Anu Emmanuel are grabbing all the attention, rather Pawan. So what went wrong?
One can notice that Pawan has shot for these songs in a very lesser time, with just two days for each song, while shooting abroad. As he got involved in politics, it seems like his heart is elsewhere affecting his performance.
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