Ace Telugu film director Rajamouli’s Magnum opus Baahubali took the Indian box office by heavy storm. While everyone is desperately trying to put a checkmate to Baahubali with various projects, now another senior hero joined hands with a proven director for an ambitious flick.
Ashutosh Gowariker who is known for his mega-budget projects like Oscar-nominated Lagaan and periodic drama Jodha Akbar joined hands with Sanjay Dutt for a new film titled as Panipat. It is completely based on the Third Battle of Panipat and it features Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon alongside Sanjay in the lead roles. The most prestigious project is likely to hit the floors from mid-2018 and the team is currently busy in finalising the cast and crew.
We all know that legendary producer Karan Johar is gearing up for Brahmastra, to break the records set by Baahubali with a star cast like Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Even before the release of this project, another historical drama joined the bandwagon. This movie will be jointly produced by Ashutosh’s wife Sunita and Rohit Shelatkar’s company, Vision World. It is going to hit the screens released on December 6, 2019.
Looks like Bollywood is thirsty to beat Baahubali records, which was directed by a Telugu filmmaker. Well, we have to wait and see whether the makers of these two projects will get succeeded in putting an end to Baahubali era or will fall short of expectations like a Padmavati.
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