As soon as Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan finished the Mahasabha speech on Wednesday, Telugu Desam Party and its leaders have launched a scathing attack on actor turned politician. Starting from TDP cabinet ministers to media in-charge people, everyone started to attack Pawan Kalyan for his ‘baseless’ allegations on IT Minister of state, Nara Lokesh.
The long list of TDP leaders who took swipe at Pawan Kalyan includes Telangana TDP member Mothkupalli Narsimhulu, who recently caused a flutter by suggesting that TDP should merge with ruling TRS in Telangana state. Reacting to blusterous speech of Pawan Kalyan, Motkupalli said ‘Pawan do not have any values to comment on Chandrababu Naidu and TDP.’
Directly pointing to Pawan, the TDP leader questioned- ‘You have praised Babu for past 4 years and even during your last month visit to Rayalaseema, you appreciated the governance of Babu. Suddenly, what package you received in the meantime to launch an attack Chandrababu? As a movie actor, you learned to act for a producer who offers you more and similarly, which party has produced you to speak against TDP now?’.
‘You brother Chiranjeevi widely campaigned in state, but his party just won 18 seats. And if you contest in coming election, you may not be able to even gain 8 seats. Do not assume that all the people at your gathering will vote you, because they came to see you as a cinema star. Can you furnish proofs on Lokesh-Sekhar Reddy link?’ – criticized the TDP leader by warning Pawan Kalyan that ‘politics is not a cinema to act’.
The Telangana leader also demanded Pawan to disclose how many crores Prajarajyam earned from MLA and MP candidates during 2009 polls. ‘He had set up the party to question, but I am questioning you to reveal how much package you received to attack Chandrababu Naidu,’ Motkupalli shot at Jana Sena chief.
Finally, reacting to comments made by Pawan on why government schemes were not named after previous CMs Sanjeevaiah and Gouthu Lachanna and why only NTR, Motkupalli said ‘they are great leaders but NTR is a true legend who brought social revolution.’
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