During the 2014 election campaign in Tirupathi, BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi extended his support to the demand of Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh. However, Modi’s BJP took a total u-turn after coming to power and announced that Special Status will not be accorded to Andhra Pradesh.
In a stunning statement, Telangana BJLP leader Kishan Reddy said that Modi had no clue about the special status issue during the Tirupathi meeting and that Modi simply read out a speech written by someone else. Kishan Reddy further said that there will be a severe unrest across the country if the center accords Special Status to AP.
The senior BJP leader went on to say that the NDA decided to give a special package to Andhra Pradesh instead of the special status, only to prevent the law and order situation. “BJP has allotted more budget to Andhra Pradesh than Telangana. All the opposition parties must stop propagating lies,” Kishan Reddy added.
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