A week before Ugadi festival, Telugu TV is stormed with the promos of anchor Rashmi and Jabardasth fame comedian Sudheer’s wedding. Though it looked like a program, there is a doubt as to why this is happening. Amidst all the rumours that the two are seeing each other, why would they agree for the program?
Apparently, the program that was aired on ETV on Ugadi eve showcased both Rashmi and Sudheer meeting various celebs like Nagababu, Roja and their Jabardasth teammates only to give them invitations to the wedding. Later on a TV show, both of them are divided into two teams to play Sangeeth. But what sounded real is how Sudheer described his first encounter with Rashmi and how he got flattered upon seeing her as a replacement of Anasuya in Annapurna Studios.
Later the two got married like a Mahesh and Sonali from Murari, and that marriage also looked quite real. And all this story is being narrated from the First Night room of Rashmi and Sudheer as they flip through their wedding album only to recollect their memories. Also, Rashmi stunned everyone saying that she truly accepted Sudheer as he’s running after her from a time.
But in the end, when the main act was about to begin in the First Night room, Sudheer wakes up on a bed, tangled in bed sheets and realising that he’s just got a long dream. That’s the comic, though expected, kind of climax.
Rather selecting Ugadi day, probably April 1st would have suited the best however for this program, but in the end, it is just a kick-ass presentation.
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