One of the popular Telugu news anchors working with V6 news channel committed suicide by jumping from an apartment in Hyderabad.According to police, 36 year old Radhika Reddy came from her office to her residence in Srivila Apartment near Moosapet.
She went directly to the 5th floor and took the plunge. She sustained severe head injuries, leg fracture and multiple blunt injuries on her body and died on the spot.
Radhika had left a suicide note in her bag in which she wrote that he is taking the extreme step due to depression and that her brain is her enemy. Radhika and her husband divorced each other 6 months ago and she was staying along with her parents since then.
She had a 14 year old boy named Banu Teja Reddy who is said to be mentally challenged. Kukatpally police have registered a case and are investigating the matter.
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