It’s official. Director Sukumar has replaced Trivikram Srinivas who was supposed to direct Mahesh Babu in his 26th film. While initially Mythri Movie Makers have planned to do a film with Trivikram Srinivas and Pawan Kalyan, the film got scrapped due to Pawan’s political plans. This turned out into the combination of Trivikram and Mahesh film as Mahesh 26 after his 25th film with Vamshi Paidipalli, Aswini Dutt and Dil Raju. But this was the plan before the release of Agnyaathavaasi.
Post debacle of Agnyaathavaasi, things have changed swiftly. Mahesh seems to have kept his project with Trivikram on hold until the release of his next with NTR, Haarika & Hassine. Meantime, blockbuster success of Rangasthalam have sprouted chances for director Sukumar in Mahesh camp. Although Sukumar had delivered a Box Office dud with One-Nenokkadine, Rangasthalam result has made Mahesh to rethink about Sukumar.
Finally, this led to the combination of Sukumar, Mahesh and Mythri Movie Makers. The film’s shoot is likely to begin by the end of 2018 and the film is slated for 2019 release. Currently, Sukumar is working on the story and is very keen to deliver a blockbuster for Mahesh to erase the old, bad memories. Let’s wait and see.
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