Bollywood actress Kiara Advani impressed Telugu audience with her simple and elegant charms in Mahesh Babu’s latest hit ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’. Kiara is also acting in Ram Charan’s film in Boyapati’s direction. Incidentally, DVV Danayya is the producer for both the movies.
Now, it looks like has struck a hat-trick deal with Danayya. Apparently, Danayya has signed on Kiara for Rajamouli’s most eagerly awaited multi-starrer with NTR and Ram Charan. However, it is still unclear who among NTR and Charan will romance Kiara.
It’s a huge opportunity for Kiara to be acting in Rajamouli’s direction and that too in the initial stage of her career. We will have to wait for an official announcement about both the heroines who will be paired opposite NTR and.
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