Telangana’s Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao has made shocking comments on Defence Ministry. Alleging that the Centre is not cooperating to the Telangana state, he said it is further creating hurdles for the development of Hyderabad city. Firing on Defence Ministry, KTR said all their efforts to build flyovers, underpasses in Cantonment area have been put on hold due to lack of permissions from the Defence Ministry. KTR said the Defence Minsitry is making improbable demands and is not cooperating to the state government.
On top of it, KTR alleged that the Defence Ministry is acting foolishly in Cantonment area, by blocking roads as in when they want, causing huge inconvenience to people. KTR said he knows that he is using harsh language but said it is.
Earlier, KTR has unveiled the new Underpass near Mindspace that is built with Rs 25.78 Crore. He said designs have been prepared for construction of express highways from Jubilee Bus Station to Thumkunta and from Patny to Suchitra Junction, and HMDA is all set to take up the work at a cost of Rs 2,500 crore. But KTR blamed Defence ministry for hampering the works.
For constructing flyovers, underpasses in Cantonment, Telangana government is seeking 100 acres of Defence land. In lieu of the 100 acres, the state government offered 400 acres of land in other location of the city. But, Defence Ministry is yet to give a commitment. Amidst this, KTR has fumed over Defence Ministry.
Meanwhile, construction of flyovers, underpasses and corridors as part of Strategic Road Development Plan (SRDP) is under way at 18 locations in the city with an expenditure of Rs 4,500 crore. This is expected to put a full stop to traffic woes in Hyderabad. KTR said the Cable Stayed Bridge – first time in South India – on Durgam Cheruvu lake would be completed by March 2019. He said GHMC is working as per timelines and is committed to deliver within the fixed time. On other hand, the Chintalkunta underpass near LB Nagar, is ready for inauguration.
KTR’s comments come on the heels of KCR’s attack on Modi-led BJP and trying to form a non-Congress and non-BJP front. Given that KTR made serious allegations against Defence Ministry, Centre, it needs to be seen what the Defence Ministry has to answer.
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