Pawan Kalyan’s core team seems to be filled by ex BJP leaders. Be it Janasena’s spokesperson Addepalli Sridhar or the newly introduced political strategist Dev, a former BJP spokesperson from Telangana, is fueling speculations that Pawan could be a pawn in the hands of BJP.
Already, Pawan’s silence on BJP’s gross injustice to AP has raised several eyebrows and led to such speculations. Pawan, who had challenged TDP to move No-Confidence Motion, has shunned it later and shied away from mustering support for the motion. He neither garnered support to No-Confidence Motion against BJP nor did he speak in favour of No-Confidence Motion that was not even admitted in the Parliament.
On top of it, Pawan’s attack on state government and rushing for the backing of BJP have all created a lot of doubts on Pawan’s ‘undisclosed’ coalition with Modi and Amit Shah-led BJP.
With the joining of Dev, Sridhar, these speculations have turned strong and raising serious concerns over Janasena’s future.
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