In a sharp attack on Narendra Modi, Chandrababu Naidu alleged him of conspiring to encroach Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD), the board which control’s India’s richest temple. Naidu alleged that as part of Modi’s conspiracy, the false propaganda is being carried out over the jewelry, ornaments of Lord Balaji. He further said that the Centre has tried its best to bring the TTD under the archaeological department.
Cautioning that no one who played with Lord Venkateswara prospered ever, Chandrababu cursed them saying they all will pay huge cost in the present birth itself.
Blaming BJP for raising regional disparities between people of Andhra and Rayalaseema, Naidu said BJP tried to create disturbances in the name of ‘Rayalaseema Declaration’. Naidu alleged that BJP has taken back the money it had allotted for the financially backward regions of AP.
Fuming Naidu questioned Narendra Modi of going back on his promise of Bundelkhand-type financial aid to AP. He opined that the scenario of AP today would had been much better had the Union Government functioned well or had it cooperated with AP. He said BJP and Modi betrayed AP and entire nation. Naidu questioned the decision of the Centre to extend Special Category Status to 11 other states while the Special Category Status was denied to Andhra Pradesh after promised by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the floor of the house. Speaking at Mahanadu, Naidu explained in detail how BJP cheated the people of Andhra Pradesh.
Chandrababu also attacked Opposition leader and ‘power-hungry’ Jagan Mohan Reddy. Naidu said YSRCP is backing BJP for its personal gains to overcome the cases Jagan is facing from the Central agencies such as CBI, ED. Chandrababu alleged that BJP is provoking political parties against him. He enthused confidence saying that TDP will bounce back in 2019 and regain power. He said the people of AP has huge trust and confidence on his government.
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