When Ashwini Dutt was neck-deep into financial issues, Mahesh Babu had given his dates to bail out the senior producer. But Ashwini Dutt dilly-dallied on the project for the last 7 years. Mahesh finally offered the veteran producer some royalty so that he can transfer his dates to Dil Raju for Mahesh25. Ashwini Dutt happily accepted Mahesh’s offer as he will get profits with zero investment.
And then comes the twist. Ashwini Dutt’s banner Vyjayanthi Movies bounced back to limelight with the blockbuster success of Mahanati. Dutt’s daughters Priyanka and Swapna are now insisting that they will co-produce Mahesh25 along with Dil Raju, instead of acting as ‘presenters’ for the movie.
This seems to have left Dil Raju shocked. Dil Raju has been solely overseeing the pre-production work for Mahesh25 since last year. He is unwilling to share the producer credit with Ashwini Dutt, and finally the issue went straight to Mahesh, who is having a hard time to take a decision as he shares a good rapport with both the producers. Meanwhile, the film’s shoot has been delayed by a week.
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